Comprehensive Planning

Since 2001, Delaware State Code requires all municipalities and county governments to prepare a Comprehensive Plan every 10 years, with updates every 5 years. A comprehensive plan is a community’s vision for its future, including how to develop land, provide needed housing, and protect natural areas. The goal of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide development in a way that is consistent with the public interest.

The Bellefonte Comprehensive Plan is developed by its Planning Commission, a body of concerned residents, property owners, and non-residents who gather statistical data to show development trends, and to recommend a plan to guide development. The Comprehensive Plan informs the Town’s Land Use Code, which establishes rules and restrictions on Land Use.

Get Involved

You can get involved by attending a Planning Commission meeting, held the first Monday (if a state or federal holiday falls on the given Monday, the meeting is the Tuesday immediately after) of each month at 7 pm, at Town Hall. These meetings are open to the public for your input.

The Bellefonte Planning Commission is currently updating our comprehensive plan with the intent of filing it for approval by the DE State Office of Planning in 2025. Before the Comp Plan is approved by the Town Commission, two public hearings will be held to gain feedback from the community. Notice of such hearing will be posted on the Town Bulleting Board, and in the Public Notices section of the News Journal.

2019 Town of Bellefonte Comprehensive Plan